カテゴリー: ピストル
【画像・動画あり】グロックピストルを搭載可能な超小型戦闘偵察ロボットを開発! - イスラエル
1: ◆qQDmM1OH5Q46 投稿日:2016/05/10(火)15:24:50イスラエルのGeneral Robotics社は業界として初となる、
兵士が近づけない危険地帯の状況をリアルタイムでモニターすることを可能にしたものとなる。続き businessnewsline
http://business.newsln.jp/news/201605091307360000.htmlDOGO? : Tactical Combat Robot by General Robotics Ltd. – Full Clip
◆◆◆ニュー速+ 記事情報提供スレ 44◆◆◆
/r/open2ch.net/newsplus/1462327522/459 -
1: エルボーバット(東京都)@\(^o^)/ 2016/03/22(火) 22:25:17.60 ID:ZgMcnTda0.net BE:292723191-PLT(19081) ポイント特典sssp://img.2ch.sc/ico/asopasomaso.gif
The 20-year-old woman, who was captured on CCTV footage, took aim at a man
in a petrol station in Detroit, in the U.S.She can be seen pulling the gun, which she had hidden in her underwear and
shooting her male rival, who was sitting in another car.
The woman, who was the only female in the group, can get seen getting a gun
from a blue Dodge Charger.
She approaches the second car, which is a dark coloured Pontiac Grand Prix,
and is then seen firing a number of times and striking the driver.Police were able to track the suspect straight away – the petrol station
was involved in an initiative called Project Green Light – it is a partnership
between Detroit police and local petrol stations, which send high-definition
surveillance footage straight to the law enforcement.
1: 以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします 2015/08/20(木) 13:56:34.873 ID:iNfvYq760.net「俺を撃つんならまず安全装置を外しな」→「え?」チラッ→このスキに攻撃
【アメリカ】射撃練習→薬莢が背中に→熱い→後ろにいた息子を誤って射殺 へのレス
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